Food As
Eat plenty of fish -- fish oil helps prevent headaches. So does ginger, which reduces inflammation and pain. HAY FEVER ? EAT YOGURT Eat lots of yogurt before pollen season. Also-eat honey from your area (local region) daily. TO PREVENT STROKE DRINK TEA Prevent build-up of fatty deposits on artery walls with regular doses of tea. (actually, tea suppresses my appetite and keeps the pounds from invading..Green tea is great for our immune system)! INSOMNIA (CAN'T SLEEP ?) HONEY Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative. ASTHMA ? EAT ONIONS Eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial tubes. (when I was young, my mother would make onion packs to place on our chest, helped the respiratory ailments and actually made us breathe better). ARTHRITIS ? EAT FISH, TOO Salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines actually prevent arthritis. (fish has omega oils, good for our immune system) UPSET STOMACH ? BANANAS - GINGER Bananas will settle an upset stomach.Ginger will cure morning sickness and nausea. BLADDER INFECTION ? DRINK CRANBERRY JUICE High-acid cranberry juice controls harmful bacteria. BONE PROBLEMS ? EAT PINEAPPLE Bone fractures and osteoporosis can be prevented by the manganese in pineapple. PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME ? EAT CORNFLAKES Women can ward off the effects of PMS with (alpha-Q@yahoogroups.com) cornflakes, which help reduce depression, anxiety and fatigue. MEMORY PROBLEMS ? EAT OYSTERS Oysters help improve your mental functioning by supplying much-needed zinc. COLDS ? EAT GARLIC Clear up that stuffy head with garlic. (remember, garlic lowers cholesterol, too.) COUGHING ? USE RED PEPPERS A substance similar to that found in the cough syrups is found in hot red pepper. Use red (cayenne) pepper with caution-it can irritate your tummy. BREAST CANCER ? EAT Wheat, bran and cabbage Helps to maintain estrogens at healthy levels. LUNG CANCER ? EAT DARK GREEN & ORANGE AND VEGGIES A good antidote is beta carotene, a form of Vitamin A found in dark green and orange vegetables. ULCERS ? EAT CABBAGE ALSO Cabbage contains chemicals that help heal both gastric and duodenal ulcers. DIARRHEA ? EAT APPLES Grate an apple with its skin, let it turn brown and eat it to cure this condition. (Bananas are good for this ailment) CLOGGED ARTERIES ? EAT AVOCADO Mono unsaturated fat in avocados lowers cholesterol. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE ? EAT CELERY AND OLIVE OIL Olive oil has been shown to lower blood pressure.Celery contains a chemical that lowers pressure too. BLOOD SUGAR IMBALANCE ? EAT BROCCOLI AND PEANUTS The chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate insulin and blood sugar.
Kiwifruit: But mighty. This is a good source of potassium,
magnesium, Vitamin E & fiber. It's Vitamin C content is twice that of an
An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low Vitamin C
content, it has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the activity of
Vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack
& stroke.
Strawberry: Protective fruit.
Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits
&protects the body from cancer causing, blood vessels clogging free
radicals. (Actually, any berry is good for you..they're high in anti-oxidants
and they actually keep us young. blueberries are the best and very
versatile in the health field. they get rid of all the free-radicals
that invade our bodies)
Orange : Sweetest medicine. Taking 2 -
4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent &
dissolve kidney stones as well as lessen the risk of colon cancer.
Watermelon: Coolest Thirst Quencher.
Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione
which helps boost our immune system. They are also a key source of
lycopene - the cancer fighting oxidant. Other
nutrients found in watermelon are Vitamin C &Potassium. (watermelon also has
natural substances [natural SPF sources] that keep our skin healthy,
protecting our skin from those darn SUV rays)
Guava &Papaya: Top awards for
Vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high Vitamin C content. Guava
is also rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation.
Papaya: is rich in carotene, this is
good for your eyes. (also good for gas and indigestion)
Tomatoes: are very good as a preventative measure for men, keeps
those prostrate problems from invading their bodies.
मेरा जीवन मेरी बातें....... अब कहने को बहुत कुछ है... जीवन भी इतना लंबा गुज़ार चुका हू अब तक, पर आप बस उतना ही जाने जितना आप एंजोय कर सके और कुछ उपयोगी, सोचने योग्य तथ्य.
Here Few interesting Moments of my life and some valuable stuff for you all...
Link to My Channel : -
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Palace on Wheels
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500 Rs.
100000 Rs.
8.8% compounded annually
PPF is a long-term savings plan with attractive tax benefits. Interest is given
at the rate 8.8 % per annum. It is suitable for those who are not looking for
short-term liquidity or regular income. Normal maturity period is 15 years from
the close of the financial year in which the initial subscription was made. The
Maturity values for PPF account would depend on what we invest each year .To
illustrate, look at the following table:
- Who should invest:
is mainly suitable for long-term saving and for availing of tax incentives. The
lump-sum amount that you receive on maturity (at the end of 15 years) is
completely tax-free. PPF does not provide any avenues for regular income. It
provides for accumulation of interest income over a 15-year period, and the
lump-sum amount (principal + interest) is payable on maturity. However the
interest amount would depend upon the prevailing rate of interest on your PPF
at any given time. These rates are notified by the GOI in the Official Gazette
from time to time, and are calculated in such manner as is specified in the
- Minimum Investments:
minimum investment in a PPF account is Rs 500 per annum for each year of the
Scheme. The maximum prescribed contribution is Rs 1, 00,000 per annum. The
highlight of the scheme is that you can vary your investments between Rs 100
and Rs 70,000 every year in multiples of Rs 5. The maximum number of
installments in a year is 12. No fixed investment in required. A PPF Account
passbook is issued to the depositor by the bank where the account is held,
which can be updated from time to time.
duration of a PPF account is 15 years, i.e., 15 complete financial years. If a
person opens a PPF account on March 3, 2004, the account will mature on April
1, 2021. Even after the expiry of 15 years, the PPF Account can be extended for
duration of five years at a time.
can be availed of from the 7th Years onward. Amount of such loans
will not exceed 50 % of the amount that stood to your credit at the end of the
third year immediately proceeding the year in which the loan is applied for.
You will continue to earn interest at the specified rate on your balance in the
PPF Account after availing of the loan facility. However, only one withdrawal
is allowed per year.
can be availed of from the third to sixth year. Amount of such loans will not
exceed 25 per cent of the amount that stood to your credit at the end of the
second year immediately preceding the year in which the loan is applied for.
You will continue to earn interest at the specified rate on your balance in the
PPF Account after availing of the loan facility.
you stop subscriptions to your PPF account, your account will be treated as
discontinued. But it cannot be closed prematurely. It will be closed only at
maturity, till which time it will continue to earn interest. However, you
cannot take loans or make withdrawals from a discontinued PPF account.
long-term savings, the most attractive feature of PPF is the tax incentives it
offers. The interest income earned in PPF and the lump-sum amount received on
maturity or premature withdrawal is completely tax-free as per the provisions
of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The scheme also offers tax benefits under Section
88 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 as indicated below:
Gross Total Income (Rs.) | Rebate |
0 - 150,000 | 15% |
150,001 - 500,000 | 20% |
500,001 & Above | Nil |
is calculated @ 30 per cent if your gross annual salary is upto Rs 1, 00,000.
This also helps to reduce the actual amount invested over a 15-year period. You
can also open an account in the name of your spouse or children including
married daughters and claim the tax rebate if the contribution is made out of
your personal taxable income.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Improve the quality of your life
- 10 Guidelines -
10 Guidelines for Improving the Quality of your Life
01. YOU WILL RECEIVE A BODY... You may like it or hate it, but it
will be yours for the entire period you're around.
02. YOU WILL LEARN LESSONS... You are enrolled in a full-time
informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have
the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think
them irrelevant and stupid.
03. THERE ARE NO MISTAKES, ONLY LESSONS... Growth is a process of trial and error, experimentation.
The "Failed" experiments are as much a part of the process
as the experiment that ultimately "works".
presented to you in various forms until you have learned it.
When you have learned it, you can then go on to the next
05. LEARNING LESSONS DOES NOT END... There is no part of life that does not
contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be
06. "THERE" IS NO BETTER THAN "HERE"... When your
"There" has become a "Here", you will simply obtain another
"There" that will, again, look better than
07. OTHERS ARE MERELY MIRRORS OF YOU... You cannot love or
hate something about another person unless it reflects to
you something you love or hate about yourself.
08. WHAT YOU MAKE OF YOUR LIFE IS UP TO YOU... You have all the
tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you.
The choice is yours.
09. YOUR ANSWERS LIE INSIDE YOU... The answers to life's questions
lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen and trust.
10. YOU WILL FORGET ALL THIS... Unless you consistently stay
focused on the goals you have set for yourself, everything you've
just read won't mean any thing.
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