
Friday, July 8, 2022

4 Exercises Should Perform Daily To Stay Fit Forever

20 Push ups - Trust me, you will start to look bulky and feel powerful and confident after performing it daily.

20 crunches - A flat stomach and it only goes uphill after that.

20 Squats - Good for the legs and butt.

50 skipping hops - Good for cardio and overall endurance.

BONUS - Run. Run like hell. It helps to instill discipline and boost self image. Also keeps you fit and energetic.

भय ही प्रबल है।

दो उल्लू एक वृक्ष पर आ कर बैठे। एक ने साँप अपने मुँह में पकड़ रखा था।  दूसरा एक चूहा पकड़ लाया था।  दोनों जैसे ही वृक्ष पर पास-पास आकर बैठे।...