
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Happy Deepawali

Wishing You All a Very Happy Deepawali...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Never be Blind in Purchasing any Insurance/Bond

Today I come across a biggest fraud of Insurance Industry, I already know about it but company like SBI can do this, I never think about it. the biggest lesson i learnt after it "Never" be a part of any policy in hurry even they allure u with the biggest ever profit.

As per my Experience i got a call from SBI Life Insurance in September, the caller told me that today is SBI Life Insurance Anniversary date, so today we offer a plan which will expire today only. In to this plan you pay only 25000/- for the policy for which the premium is decided as 30000/- , so in this manner you will get direct 5000/- profit in a year, as in between SBI and you no agent involved. (This is also incorrect and first false pomise)

The next profit with which they allure me is you will get a sum of 370000/-+ Bonus after 7 year which is the locking period of this policy named as Shubh Nivesh - Endowment Plan. In to this i will get the Premium which i paid for 7 year as 30000/-*7 = 210000/- with the Sum assured as 160000/- plus Bonus which will announce later.

They are in so hurry and shown me the wrong picture of policy and taken any doc with which they are just close it and finalized the policy. For proving their say they calling me again and again being their senior and junior with girls involved in to this too, so that i become sure about it and purchase it fast.

After so many calls, in last they trapped me, but still i was not sure, on the confirmation call when i ask the same question to the caller about final amount which i will get in last, he confused and be mum on my question after that call off and said the senior will call you again, but i didn't get any call and after few days the doc come to my home with out verification or confirmation to me.

When i read the Policy document, there were nothing in written as they assured me, there specified the sum which i will get after 7 year is only 159000/- (Sum assured) +  Bonus (Not Declare). when i again call to confirm the same adviser, they again start making me confuse in the word as throwing my call from one person to other and still with false promises but not ready to shown me in written.

I called to many other adviser and collect the information, also searched internet for the same confusion and finally with some other agent of SBI also, they didn't know about my case, and in last come to conclusion as after maturity i will only get 159000/- which is shown as sum assured in policy with Bonus(not known).

It means they simply fooled me and still fooling to throw calls here and there to just surpass my 15 days Free Look Periods as the same info i got from Internet too.

With the full day effort, call and net finally i came to the conclusion of cancellation of  the policy as soon as possible and put this deli-ma to an end. 

So today i search a branch near to me and visit it for cancellation, initially he was very much friendly to me when he didn't know about my case, also inform me the real scenario of this policy, but when he know that i already purchased it and came  here for cancellation, he quickly made a plan to harass me.

After 4 round of travel between home and SBI office, i cancelled my policy and got the cancellation slip. Now relaxed but very much disappointed with the behavior of the SBI Insurance Staff, Who fooled me as well as harnessed me during all this process.

Finally i can only say and beware to others--

"Never take any policy without judging it self, 
Never ever trust upon the seller/adviser blindly"

I also want to take action against the team who fooled me but i know nothing can be happens to them, as it is pre-planned and they will be ready for the same.

SBI didn't know that SBI Life Insurance is ramming its brand value with this type of fraud and collaboration. Using the SBI brand value and Name, it's become very easy to this insurance company to make fools around as every one blindly trust on SBI.

SBI Life Insurance is not the Part of Main SBI so beware....!!!!!!!

Useful Social Manners

1.Only call someone twice in a row unless it's urgent. If they don't answer, wait for them to call back. They might be busy, sick, o...