
Tuesday, August 14, 2012


On 15 August 1947, India attained freedom from the British Rule. Every year, August 15 is celebrated as the Independence Day in India. This national festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the country.

The Prime Minister's speech at the Red Fort in Delhi is a major highlight. Patriotic presentations by school children add colors to the celebrations.

The preparations begin a month in advance. Roads are decorated with flags and buntings. Buildings of national importance are illuminated.

"Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we will redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.... We end today a period of ill fortune, and India discovers herself again."

- Jawaharlal Nehru (Speech on Indian Independence Day, 1947).

The national flag, a symbol of free India, is a horizontal tri-colour of saffron, white and green. The wheel in its centre, is a replica of the chakra, which appears on the abacus of Ashoka's pillar. 
The flag was adopted on July 22,1947 and presented to the nation on August 15, 1947. 

The color saffron, stands for courage, sacrifice and renunciation.

White, symbolizes truth and purity
"truth in our speech and purity of thought"

Green represents life, faith and chivalry. 

The 24 spokes of the wheel are multiples of 8, representing the noble precepts of the Eight-Fold path, taught by the Buddha. The wheel itself denotes unceasing motion and progress.

Jaana Gaana Maana Adhinayaka Jayehe
Bharata bhagya vidhata;
Punjaba Sindhu Gujarata Maratha,
Dravida Utkala Banga,
Vindhya, Himachala, Jamuna, Ganga,
Ucchhala Jaladhitaranga;
Taba Shubha Naame Jaage
Taba Shubha Ashish Maage
Gaye taba jaya gaatha.
Jaana Gaana Maana Adhinayaka Jayahe
Bharata bhagya vidhata;
Jaya he Jaye he
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya he.


Can read Full Story about Indian Independence look here ----

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Difference between Love & Marriage

Love is holding hands in the street 
Marriage is holding arguments in the street.
Love is dinner for 2 in your favourite Restarant.
Marriage is a fast food take-out
Love is cuddling on a sofa
Marriage is deciding on a sofa
Love is talking about having children
Marriage is talking about getting away from children
Love is going to bed early
Marriage is going to sleep early
Love is a romantic drive
Marriage is a tarmac drive
Love is losing your appetite
Marriage is losing your figure
Love is a flickering flame
Marriage is a flickering television
Love is 1 drink and 2 straws
Marriage is "Don't you think you've had enough!"

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Do u Know....????

1. What programming language is GOOGLE developed in?
2. What is the expansion of YAHOO?

3. What is the expansion of ADIDAS?

4. Expansion of Star as in Star TV Network?

5. What is expansion of "ICICI?"

6. What does "baker's dozen" signify?

7. The 1984-85 season. 2nd ODI between India and Pakistan at Sialkot-India 210/3 with Vengsarkar 94*. Match abandoned. Why?

8. Who is the only man to have written the National Anthems for two different countries?

9. From what four word ex-pression does the word `goodbye` derive?

10. How was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu better known?

11. Name the only other country to have got independence on Aug 15th?

12. Why was James Bond Associated with the Number 007?

13. Who faced the first ball in the first ever One day match?

14. Which cricketer played for South Africa before it was banned from international cricket and later represented Zimbabwe?

15. The faces of which four Presidents are carved at Mt.Rushmore?

16. Which is the only country that is surrounded from all sides by only one country (other than Vatican)?

17. Which is the only sport which is not allowed to play left handed?


1. Google is written in Asynchronous java-script and XML, or its acronym Ajax.

2. Yet Another Hierarchy of Officious Oracle

3. ADIDAS- All Day I Dream About Sports

4. Satellite Television Asian Region

5. Industrial credit and Investments Corporation of India

6. A baker's dozen consists of 13 items - 1 more than the items in a normal dozen

7. That match was abandoned after ppl heard the news of indira gandhi being killed.

8. Rabindranath Tagore who wrote national anthem for two different countries one is our 's National anthem and another one is for Bangladesh-(Amar Sonar Bangla)

9. Goodbye comes from the ex-pression: 'god be with you'.

10. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu is none other Mother Teresa.

11. South Korea.

12. Because 007 is the ISD code for Russia (or the USSR, as it was known during the cold war)

13. Geoffrey Boycott

14. John Traicos

15. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln

16. Lesotho surrounded from all sides by South Africa.

17. Polo

What is BF?

A young boy said to a young girl: "I am your BF! I am your BF!" The girl asked: "What is BF?" The boy smiled and said: ...