How much ever women may
complain about men and their idiosyncrasies that turn them off, the fact is
that they too have certain traits that can not only put men off but also drive
them over the edge. Nobody's perfect and let's accept it. In fact, here's a list of top 10 things
women do that drive men to the brink of insanity.
1. Divine Diva
Many women try to place themselves under a "holier than thou" light,
never admitting that they have a huge trail of exes behind them. This does not
imply that all women do this, but the ones who do, should simply stop trying to
water down their past. Women are allowed to have just as much fun as guys, and
they should find a man who can appreciate that.
2. Bitching… as Usual
It is indeed difficult to get a woman to compliment another. On the contrary,
they love to nitpick about everything from weight to hairstyle and everything
in between. Only a woman will notice if another woman's shoes don't match her
purse or if her earrings are old-fashioned and turn it into a huge calamity.
3. Green-Eyed Monster
There can be times when the mere mention of another woman can spell doom. When
another female enters the equation in any way, shape or form, she tenses up. If
you give her reason to doubt you, then her paranoia is likely justified.
Otherwise, you shouldn't have to pay the price because she's feeling insecure.
4. Needy Me
Insecurity is another common demon. Oftentimes women need their men to tell
them how special they are. They use their man as an emotional crutch, looking
for moral, mental and emotional support. Ironically, however, most men prefer
the tougher version because this way, they'd at least not have to worry about
her all the time.
5. Code Language
The old "What are you thinking?" question is a timeless example of
how women love to test their men and search for their true feelings about them.
They hurtle obscure, theoretical questions that, according to them, men are
supposed to know the answers to if they're really in love.
While the guy usually tenses up and his mind goes into overdrive looking for
the right answer, the lady just looks on from a distance. At this point,
there's nothing the guy can do except throw an answer out there and hope he
does not screw it all up.
6. loss of Personal Space
The intense desire to groom their man and clean up their cupboard is something
that drives most men off the wall. It is irksome because it not only makes the
man feel incompetent but also leaves him aghast because his only personal space
- his cupboard - has been looked through. This need not necessarily mean that
the man has something to hide, but how will the woman feel if her closet has
been messed around with?
7. Become too Emotional
Women can cry over almost anything: a sad movie (or even a happy one), a broken
nail or a haircut gone wrong. What men actually cannot handle is the fact that
women expect them to clean up the emotional mess after that. This is because
most men have no clue about how to deal with a crying woman.
8. Shopaholics
When it comes to shopping, there just aren't enough hours in the day for most
women. Whether it's something as simple as window-shopping or an all-out
spending spree, woman can spend hours on end in a mall. The problem actually
arises when they drag the poor, clueless man along with them as well.
9. Talk Incessantly
A simple question like "How was your day?" would render a 45-minute
conversation out of a woman. Needless to say, most women love to talk. It's not
that men don't care about what they have to say; it's just that they don't need
to hear every minute detail that women want to tell them about.
10. The S-Weapon
In the war of the sexes, many women, in an effort to show their superiority,
attack men's universal weak spot: sex. While such a brilliant tactic definitely
needs to be appreciated, should the basic human rights not be left alone?
Learn to Tolerate
If you look at the grand scheme of things, women's annoying habits aren't that
bad. Chances are that all men adapt to them in time, as all women do when it
comes to the equally annoying tendencies of men. Nobody's perfect, and that's
something we can all agree on.