Exercises to Minimize Back Pain
Working for long hours in a cramped, sedentary work space taxes your spine, making most men prone to backaches. Try these simple exercises to reduce backaches in no time at all.
The increasing pressure of work life leaves little room for personal grooming and exercise.
Working for long hours, on a cramped sedentary work space, taxes your spine, making most men prone to backaches. The following article will provide a list of simple exercises that will reduce backache in no time.
1. Wall Slides
This exercise will help strengthen your knees and legs. Stand straight with your back against the wall and your feet apart by 1 foot.
a. With your back still touching the wall, slide down and bend your knees as you go. While sliding down count to five till your knees are at a 45 degree angle. Take care not to strain your knees. If you feel any discomfort in your knees, stop immediately.
b. Remain in this position for at least five seconds.
c. While counting to five, slide up the wall and straighten your knees to the starting position.
d. Repeat the above steps five times more. This exercise should be done 3 times a day for a week to be able to provide some relief.
2. Leg Raises
This exercise concentrates on your leg, hip and calf muscles and will help take the weight off the posture, off the spine.
a. Spread a yoga mat on the floor and lie down flat on your stomach.
b. Lift one leg off the ground.
c. Hold it in this position for at least 10 seconds. You will feel your thighs, buttocks, calves and hip muscles tighten.
d. Exhale while you gradually set your foot down on the floor again. Rest for 5 seconds.
e. Repeat this process with the other leg.
f. Practice this exercise 5 more times and do it 3 times a day.
3. Supine Leg Raise
This helps in strengthening the spinal column and thigh muscles.
a. Spread a yoga mat on the floor and lie down with your back on the floor.
b. Lift one leg two feet off the ground.
c. Hold it in this position for at least 10 seconds.
d. Exhale while gradually setting the raised foot down on the floor. Rest for 5 seconds.
e. Repeat this process with the other leg.
f. Practice this exercise 5 more times and do it 3 times a day.
Say goodbye to backaches forever!
4.Pay attention to your posture:
This cannot be said enough. Slouching, sitting on sofas which do not offer firm support to the back and sleeping in an awkward position may give you a stiff back the next morning. Reclining in a chair without support to the lower back in the form of a cushion is a no-no. Sleeping on the side in the fetal position is the best way to take the pressure off a weak back.
Do you have a desk job? Then this workplace ergonomics article is a must for you.
5. Semi Sit-ups:
This eases the tension in the spine by helping it stretch.
a. Lie flat on a yoga mat with your knees bent and your feet on the ground. Keep your arms underneath your head and your elbows parallel to the floor.
b. Only lift your head and shoulders off the floor and try to touch the knees with your nose.
c. Hold it for at least 10 seconds.
d. Exhale while gradually lying back on the floor to your starting position. Rest for 5 seconds.
e. Practice 5 more times and do it 3 times a day.
6. Standing Back Stretch
This exercise is said to relieve the pressure from the spine and reduce backaches significantly.
a. Stand straight with your feet apart by 1 foot.
b. Place the palm of your hand on your lower back.
c. Inhale deeply while you gradually bend back and keep your knees straight. Take care not to strain your back too much.
d. Hold this position for 5 seconds.
e. Exhale and slowly return to your upright position.
f. Practice 5 more times and do it 3 times a day.
7. Hip Rolls
This exercise concentrates on the hip muscles.
a. Stand straight with your feet apart and put your hands on your hips.
b. Slowly move your hips in a circular clockwise motion. Make sure that you only move your hips and not the whole body.
c. Do this for 10 counts.
d. Now move your hips in the anti-clockwise direction.
e. Continue with this movement for 10 counts.
f. Practice 5 times more and do it 3 times a day.
8. Knee Lunges:
This exercise will strengthen spine, knee and thigh muscles.
a. Stand straight with your left leg in front of your right.
b. Bend your knee forward gradually keeping your right leg straight and your left knee directly in front of your left foot.
c. Hold for 10 seconds.
d. Gradually move back to your starting position.
e. Repeat with your right leg.
f. Practice this routine 5 more times and do it 3 times a day.
9. Mid Back Stretch
This exercise will ease the hip muscles and do away with any strains whatsoever.
a. Stand straight with your feet apart and hands on your hips.
b. Gently twist to your left at the waist, going as far as permitted. Try to look over your shoulder and do not change the position of your feet.
c. Hold for 10 seconds.
d. Gradually twist back to your starting position. Rest for 5 seconds.
e. Repeat for the other side.
f. Practice 5 more times and do it 3 times a day.
By regularly performing these exercises, you will be able to keep your spine in excellent condition and backaches at bay.