
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Judging a book by its cover, May Astonished...

An old lady handed her cheque to a bank teller and said, “I would like to withdraw ₹500..” The female teller told her, “For withdrawals less than ₹5,000, please use the ATM”. The old lady then asked, “Why?” The teller irritably told her, “These are rules. Please leave if there is no other matter. There is a queue behind you.” She then returned the card to the old lady. The old lady remained silent. But she returned the cheque to the teller and said, “Please help me withdraw all the money I have.” The teller was astonished when she checked the account balance. She nodded her head, leaned down and said to the old lady, “My apologies Granny, you have ₹3.5 billion in your account and our bank does not have so much cash currently. Could you make an appointment and come again tomorrow?" The old lady then asked, “How much am I able to withdraw now?” The teller told her, “Any amount up to ₹300,000.” The old lady then told the teller that she wanted to withdraw ₹300,000 from her account. The teller did so quickly and handed it to the old lady respectfully. The old lady kept ₹500 in her bag and asked the teller to deposit the balance of ₹299,500 back into her account. The teller was dumbfounded. Moral- Never judge a book by its cover !!!

#Copied but inspirable

Friday, March 10, 2017

Happy Holi ... 2017

...Happy Holi to my all Dear Friends...

Some memory to share with you all from 2015 Archive.

उफ़ ये दुनिया कितनी स्वार्थी है............?

सभी अपनी अपनी इज्ज़त के प्यारे है, पर ये दूसरों के लिए नहीं सोचते, खुद बड़े हुए तो ठीक दूसरा बड़ा है उसकी कोई अहमियत नहीं। अपने आप को सब कुछ चाहिए दूसरे को कुछ मिले या न मिले उसकी परवाह नहीं, ये दक़ियानूसी खयालात ले के कोई कब तक जी सकता है।
खुद जियो और दूसरे को भी जीने दो, ये बस सुनने सुनाने के लिए रह गया है। खुद तो मजे मे जी लो दूसरे की जिंदगी हराम कर दो, आजकल सब इसी फिराक मे रहते है। कहते है न खाली दिमाग शैतान का घर, एक दम सही कहा गया है, नहीं कुछ काम मिले तो सबको लड़वा के देख लो, जैसा की लोग पहले किया कराते थे। पहले लोग मुर्गा लड़ाते थे आज कल लोगो को लड़ा के मज़ा लेते है।
चाहो की सब कुछ छोड़ छाड़ कर अकेले जियो तो भी जीने नहीं देते, हज़ारो रास्ते तलाश कर ही लेते है परेशान करने के, हम नहीं तो हमारे निकट सम्बंधी ही सही, कही से भी हमारे जीवन मे प्रवेश कर ही लेते है और फिर शुरू उत्पात मचाना। ये भी नहीं सोचते की उनकी इन सब हरकतों से दूसरों के जीवन मे क्या उथल पुथल हो जाएगी।
ऐसे लोगो को सिर्फ अपने से मतलब होता है, खुद से प्यार करते है और दूसरों से प्यार करने का दिखावा भी गजब का करते है, काम पड़ा तो आप ही भगवान है इनके नहीं तो आप शैतान से भी कही बढ़ कर है इनके लिए। काम निकालो, लात मारो बस यही एक मात्र लक्ष्य है इनके जीवन का।
इनकी कुछ भी याद करने की छमता तो इतनी कमजोर होती है की, चंद पलो मे ही आपके उपकार या मदद को भुला कर आपको गाली देने पे उतारू हो जाए, पुराने किसी गलती को निकाल कर या नई मनगढ़ंत बना कर, फिर झट से पलट भी जाए अगर लगे की अरे अभी तो काम पड़ने वाला है।

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Lion’s Whisker

Haile was a happy little boy living with his mother and father in their home in Ethiopia. But, one day his mother died and Haile was so hurt, and so confused, and so angry. A year passed and his father decided to remarry. But, Haile remained so hurt, and so confused, and so angry. So when Zeynab met him and hugged him he pulled away from her. When she fixed him his favorite foods for dinner he didn’t eat. When she made him a play suit out of fine cloth he ran through the woods and played so roughly he tore the clothes up. Whenever she spoke to him he ignored her.
One day when her husband was gone hunting, Zeynab went to Haile’s bedroom to talk to him.
"Haile, I love you so much and I really need you to love."
Before she could finish Haile jumped up and said, "I hate you, you aren’t my mother. I’m running away."
Haile ran past Zayneb and out of the house. Zayneb sat down and cried and cried. When her husband returned she told him what had happened. He told her to go on and cook dinner and not to worry that he would find Haile. Haile was at the river in his favorite spot. The two walked home and ate dinner without a word.
That night, as the other two slept, Zayneb got out and walked deep into the forest to the home of the witch doctor. The witch doctor was a very wise woman who knew the ways of peoples’ minds and hearts.
"I need you to make me a love potion so my step-son will love me," said Zayneb.
"Well," the old woman said slowly, "Before I can give you a love potion, you must bring me the whisker from a ferocious lion."
Zeynab’s eyes grew large as she said, "How am I supposed to do that?"
"Use your imagination," said the witch doctor.
Zeynab went home and slept just a few more hours. She got up before the sun rose and put several large pieces of raw meat in a bag and headed toward the hills. She walked until she found a cave which had large paw prints around it. Zeynab took a piece of meat out and placed it in front of the entrance to the cave. Then she hid in the bushes about 50 feet from the entrance and waited.
After a few minutes a large, very ferocious looking lion stepped out of the cave, looked around, smelled the meat, and ate it all up.
Zayneb waited for a couple of hours then she walked up to the entrance of the cave and placed a second piece of meat in front of it. Then she moved back only 25 feet and didn’t hide in the bushes. After a few minutes the lion came out. He looked around, stared at Zayneb, smelled the meat, picked it up, and ate it all up.
Zayneb waited for a couple of hours then she walked up to the entrance of the cave and placed a third piece of meat in front of it. She moved back only 5 feet and didn’t hide in the bushes. After a few minutes the lion came out. He looked around, stared at Zayneb, smelled the meat, picked it up, and ate it all up.
Zayneb waited for a couple of more hours then she walked up to the entrance of the cave and placed a fourth piece of meat in front of it. She moved back only two steps. After a few minutes the lion came out. He looked around, stared at Zayneb. She stared back at the lion. Although she was shaking inside, she didn’t move her body. She just stared right back at the lion’s large brown eyes. The lion smelled the meat, picked it up and began eating.
Very slowly Zayneb extended her hand, grabbed a whisker and quickly pulled it out. The lion kept eating as slowly, very slowly, as if walking on a tight rope, Zayneb backed away toward the bushes. When she got into the forest she ran back to the witch doctor’s home.
Breathing heavily, she rushed into the witch doctor’s house and held up the whisker. "See, here, I brought you a lion’s whisker. Now, give me a love potion."
The witch doctor looked at the whisker. "Ah, this does look like a ferocious lion’s whisker. But, I don’t have any love potions."
"What, what do you mean?" screamed Zayneb.
"Now, tell me, how did you get that lion’s whisker?" the old lady calmly asked.
"Well, I had to be very, very careful and patient. I was very gentle and very quiet, and persistent."
"Yes, and you were very courageous. See, you have all of the skills you will need to get your stepson to love you without a magic potion."
Then Zayneb understood. She returned home and treated Haile nicely as before. But, she did not make any special efforts to win his affection. She was just her sweet, giving self. When Haile was rude to her or ignored her, she continued on as if he had said nothing. In three weeks Haile began to smile and speak to Zayneb. In six weeks he offered to help her with chores. In nine weeks he invited her to walk with him to his favorite place at the river. One night about 12 weeks later, just before he fell asleep Haile looked up in Zayneb’s eyes and said, "Zayneb, I love you."

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Demonetization - From the Eye of General Public.

Demonetization, First it's a very difficult word to pronounce or remember for the general public, here I am not referring them as "aam aadmi"or "mango man" unless all will directly connect it with the Aam Aadmi Party and The Great Kejriwal Sir.

Now come to the real Demonetization, it's a very fancy word with so much hope and future based on it, which is creating by the present govt sitting in the center, and being in opposition all other party have their moral duty to oppose it. 

In big term where all is directly related to it, every one facing so much problem with this, either in getting cash, pending all important work, daily expenses, long hours in waiting queue, postponing work, daily gossing and fight over money and decisions, daily changing rules creating so much confusions, no hope in coming future to dilute this condition. 

RBI and Bank body become the second "Hitor" in country after the great grand Modi ji. Its seem if u have power, u can say anything which will become rules for general public, and if u think it's wrong , u are free to say anything else any time. 

40 days approx 400 rules, still 10 more days left to pass over. If we watch the news there are so much kiosk in public for this. So many scams, so many raids, so many black money, so many ways to bypass it, "Jitna ghotala in 40 days me hua hai, utna to kabhi nahi hua". 

Future is still hidden somewhere which we can predict only not sure or confirmed, But we hope the situation will change and be better in all respect. 

all are busy in things related to money only, all other works have no any priorities for any one, its good time and things to spend as much time in this and be in limelight for all.

Every one is directly connected with government now, either in trouble or in happy mood. it's the one government who touched every single person of country by their move of demonetization. Future is also depend on the touch whether it's a feature touch or scratch.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Unable to Think or Decide.

सच में कभी कभी बहुत मुश्किल होता है , ये सोच पाना की कौन गलत है और कौन सही, हम कोई गलती बार बार किये जा रहे है , या कोई और हमें न समझ कर गलती पे गलती किये जा रहा है, गुत्थी उलझती ही जा रही है, अब तो ये सोचना भी की कभी सुलझेगी नामुमकिन सा ही लग रहा है?

हम तो तैयार बैठे है अपनी गलती को स्वीकारने के लिए अगर कोई हमसे हुई है, पर कोई हमे समझाए भी तो, या फिर हमे मौका दे की हम उनकी गलतियों को सुधारने की कोशिश या प्रयास करे.

कहते है न एक से भले दो, और दो से भले तीन, पर यहाँ तो तीन ने ही सारी व्यवस्था ख़राब कर के रख दी है, दो ही होते तो ज्यादा सही था. एक कान एक मुह का इतना प्रिय हो गया है की तीसरे की आवाज़ पहचान ही नहीं रहा है, गलती कौन नहीं करता? पर उसे सुधारने की भी कोशिश की जानी चाहिए, समय और दुरी की साथ अगर इसको दुरुस्त नहीं किया गया तो यही गलती अपराध सी लगने लगती है, फिर जब तक इस अपराध की सजा न मुकम्मिल हो, संतोष नहीं मिलता, पर यहाँ तो अपराध घोषित कर सजा तक देने का समय भी नहीं किसी के पास.

अपने दूर और पराये करीब हो गए है, हर बात, हर अपराध के दो पहलू होते है, सिर्फ अपना पक्ष देख कर उसे तय नहीं करना चाहिए, कुछ सामने वाले की परिस्थिति, और मज़बूरी भी हो सकती है. अकेले तो सभी चल सकते है, पर सबको साथ ले के चलने वाले पे क्या बीतती है ये अकेले चलने वाला कब सोचेगा.

अभी समय हाथ से नहीं गया है, जीवन बहुत पड़ा है, सुधार के लिए, कुछ कहो कुछ सुनो, शायद कोई समाधान निकल आये, जिनसे उम्मीद कर सकते है अगर उन्होंने ही साथ छोड़ दिया तो बाकि दुनिया तो पराई है, उसका क्या मोह और चिंता करना.

सभी व्यस्त है अपने जीवन में, कुछ समय निकल कर अगर पुरानी यादो और रिस्तो को दे दिया जाये तो जिंदगी और भी खूबसूरत होगी.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Microsoft Excel "Not Responding"

How to Solve Microsoft Excel "Not Responding" Error

Microsoft Excel is mostly used by companies for saving financial data. From calculation of profit/loss to finding averages, to charting and graphing data, Excel is used for several operations. It is even used for forecasting, and therefore, for making crucial business decisions.

An important program like Excel needs to work smoothly, so as to keep the data safe. However, several times, users face an error wherein Excel crashes, freezes or stops working. They get an error message saying- “Excel is not responding”, or “Excel has stopped working.”

1. Run Excel in Safe Mode

Open the command prompt, by pressing Windows + R, or choose the Run option from the Start Menu. In the command prompt, type excel. exe /safe, to run MS Excel in Safe Mode. Now try opening the file again. This would help if an ‘add-in’ or another program is causing Excel to crash.

2. Change Default Printer

This is a very simple solution. When we open an excel document like a spreadsheet, it attempts to communicate with the printer, so as to find out the margins supported by the default printer. If that communication fails, Excel crashes. In this case, you need to change the default printer. Go to the Control Panel, and click on Devices and Printers. Now, set Microsoft XPS Document Writer as the default printer, by right clicking on it. 

Once done, try to open excel again and your problem may be resolved.

3. Install Latest Updates

Issues often occur if the latest Office and Windows Updates are not installed. Make sure you install the latest versions and any updates you may have missed on. It is recommended to choose the option of Automatically Installing any Updates, for windows. You can do this by going to the control panel and then System and Security. 

4. Fix Problems with Add-ins

In safe mode, open Excel. Then click on File. Once it opens, go to Options. There, click on add-ins. The different add-ins in that program will be displayed.

You can try to disable the add-ins one by one, checking in between, if the problem has been resolved. If you see a recently added add in, you can try removing it first, to check if excel works after that.

5. Repair Office

One of the ways to fix the ‘Excel is not responding’ error is to repair Microsoft Office. For doing this, go to the Control panel, and choose Programs and Features. Click on Microsoft Office in the list, and then on Change button at the top. 

You will get the option to automatically ‘Repair’ Office. Once that is done, check if the problem has been solved.

6. Uninstall and Reinstall Office

If none of these methods work, you may have to uninstall Microsoft Office, and then reinstall it. It does not need to be done manually. Microsoft offers a program for it called the Easy Fix tool. You can find it on Microsoft’s official website. 

7. Update Anti-virus software

Apart from these solutions, it is recommended that you check if your anti-virus software is up to date. It may be conflicting with Excel and causing problems. You can try to disable your anti-virus and re-check if the error has been resolved.

If none of the above methods work, you can always use an efficient third party software like Stellar Phoenix Excel Repair

8. Stellar Phoenix Excel Repair

If the manual methods fail, you can opt for Stellar Phoenix Excel Repair. It automatically fixes corrupt Excel files. It restores all data, charts, worksheets to a new Excel File. It has a search option, which allows you to search for Excel files on the selected drive or the folder. It can help fix multiple Excel files at once. 

It has a user-friendly interface, and a step by step wizard will guide you and help you fix any Excel errors that you may be encountering. It can be used for both Mac and Windows. This tool could prove to be a life saver for those who facing a loss of important data due to non-responsiveness or crash of Excel.

Reference -

Useful Social Manners

1.Only call someone twice in a row unless it's urgent. If they don't answer, wait for them to call back. They might be busy, sick, o...