
Monday, December 21, 2015

Why We Shout In Anger - A Short Story

“Why We Shout In Anger”

A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other.
He turned to his disciples smiled ‘n asked. ‘Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?’
Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, ‘Because we lose our calm, we shout.’ ‘But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.’ asked the saint.
Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the other disciples. Finally the saint explained, ‘When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other.
The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance.
What happens when two people fall in love? They don’t shout at each other but talk softly, because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either non-existent or very small…’ The saint continued, ‘When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper ‘n they get even closer to each other in their love.

Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other ‘n that’s all. That is how close two people are when they love each other. ‘He looked at his disciples ‘n said. ‘So when you argue do not let your hearts get distant, Do not say words that distance each other more, Or else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.’

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


खवाहिश  नही  मुझे  मशहुर  होने  की।
आप  मुझे  पहचानते  हो  बस  इतना  ही  काफी  है।

अच्छे  ने  अच्छा  और  बुरे  ने  बुरा  जाना  मुझे।
क्यों  की  जीसकी  जीतनी  जरुरत  थी  उसने  उतना  ही  पहचाना  मुझे।

ज़िन्दगी  का  फ़लसफ़ा  भी   कितना  अजीब  है, 
शामें  कटती  नहीं,  और  साल  गुज़रते  चले  जा  रहे  हैं....!!

एक  अजीब  सी  दौड़  है  ये  ज़िन्दगी, 
जीत  जाओ  तो  कई  अपने  पीछे  छूट  जाते  हैं,
और  हार  जाओ  तो  अपने  ही  पीछे  छोड़  जाते  हैं।

बैठ जाता हूं मिट्टी पे अक्सर...
क्योंकि मुझे अपनी औकात अच्छी लगती है..

मैंने समंदर से सीखा है जीने का सलीक़ा,
चुपचाप से बहना और अपनी मौज में रहना ।।

ऐसा नहीं है कि मुझमें कोई ऐब नहीं है पर सच कहता हूँ मुझमे कोई फरेब नहीं है

जल जाते हैं मेरे अंदाज़ से मेरे दुश्मन क्यूंकि एक मुद्दत से मैंने
न मोहब्बत बदली और न दोस्त बदले .!!.

एक घड़ी ख़रीदकर हाथ मे क्या बाँध ली..
वक़्त पीछे ही पड़ गया मेरे..!!

सोचा था घर बना कर बैठुंगा सुकून से..
पर घर की ज़रूरतों ने मुसाफ़िर बना डाला !!!

सुकून की बात मत कर ऐ ग़ालिब....
बचपन वाला 'इतवार' अब नहीं आता |

जीवन की भाग-दौड़ में -
क्यूँ वक़्त के साथ रंगत खो जाती है ?
हँसती-खेलती ज़िन्दगी भी आम हो जाती है..

एक सवेरा था जब हँस कर उठते थे हम 
और आज कई बार
बिना मुस्कुराये ही शाम हो जाती है..

कितने दूर निकल गए, रिश्तो को निभाते निभाते..
खुद को खो दिया हमने, अपनों को पाते पाते..
लोग कहते है हम मुस्कुराते बहोत है, और हम थक गए दर्द छुपाते छुपाते..

"खुश हूँ और सबको खुश रखता हूँ,
लापरवाह हूँ फिर भी सबकी परवाह करता हूँ..

मालूम है कोई मोल नहीं मेरा, फिर भी,
कुछ अनमोल लोगो से रिश्ता रखता हूँ...!

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Name which means a Lot for me...

Name: Aavya

Meaning : First rays  of Sun, Gift of God 

Numerology : 5

Syllables : 2.5

Religion : Hindu

Rashi : Mesha (A, L, E, I, O)

Nakshatra : Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E)

Name: Aadhya

Meaning :First power , Name of Goddess Durga.

Syllables :2.5

Numerology :22

Religion :Hindu

Rashi :Mesha (A, L, E, I, O)

Nakshatra :Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tere Ishq Me....!!!!!!

कभी अल्फ़ाज़ भूल जाउ, कभी ख़याल भूल जाउ 
तुझे इस कदर चाहू के अपनी साँस भूल जाउ 
उठ कर तेरे पास से जो मैं चल दू, तो जाते हुए खुद को तेरे पास भूल जाउ 

अब उनकी मोहब्बत में ये आलम आ गया, 

ठंडी हवा का झोंका भी हमे जला गया, 
कहता है आप यहा तरसते ही रह गये, 
मैं तुम्हारे सनम को छु कर आ गया 

साथ अगर दोगे तो मुस्कराएँगे ज़रूर, 
प्यार अगर दिल से करोगे तो निभाएँगे ज़रूर 
राह मे कितने भी काँटे क्यू ना हो, 
आवाज़ अगर दिल से दोगे तो आएँगे ज़रूर. 

मेरी कलम से लफ्ज़ खो गये शायद, आज वो भी बेवफा हो गये शायद, 
जब नींद खुली तो पलकों मे पानी था,  मेरे ख्वाब मुझ पे ही रो गये शायद 

मुझे भी अब नींद की तलब नहीं रही,  अब रातों को जागना अच्छा लगता हैं, 
मुझे न्ही मालूम वो मेरी किस्मत मे हैं की नही,  मगर उसे खुदा से माँगना अच्छा ल्गता है. 

हर शख्स से उलफत का इक़रार नही होता, 
हर चेहरे से दिल को कभी प्यार नही होता 
जो रूह को छ्छू जाए, जो दिल मे उतार जाए 
उसी से इश्क़ का लफ़्ज़ों में इज़हार नही होता.. 

सासे थम सी जाती हैं पर जान नही जाती, 
दर्द होता हैं पर आवाज़ नहीं आती, 
अजीब से लोग हैं इस दुनिया में,
कोई भूल नही पता तो किसी को याद नही आती 

क़ातिल तेरी अदाओं ने लूटा हैं, 
मुझे तेरी जफ़ाओं ने लूटा हैं, 
शौक नही था मुझे मर मिटने का 
साकी नशीली निगाहों ने लूटा हैं, 
बिखरी हैं खुश्बू तेरी साँसों की, 
मुझ को तो इन हवाओं ने लूटा है, 
चैन से भला कैसे सो सकता हूँ, 
रातों को तेरे खवाबों ने लूटा है 
बहुत खूब हैं तेरे हुस्न की आडया, 
चाँदनी को तूने चंदा से लूटा है.

 वो इनकार करते हैं इकरार के लिए, 
नफ़रत भी करते हैं तो प्यार के लिए, 
उल्टी चाल चलते है ये इश्क़ करने वाले 
आँखें बंद करते हैं दीदार के लिए 

खुदा बिना जाने केसे रिश्ते बना देता हैं 
अंजाने लोगो को दिल में बसा देता हैं, 
जिन्हे हम कभी जानते भी ना थे, 
उन्हे जान से भी ज़्यादा कीमती बना देता है 

सब भूल जाता हू आपके सिवा,  ये क्या मुझे हुआ हैं 
क्या इसी एहसास को दुनिया ने , प्यार का नाम दिया हैं. 

क्या खोया क्या पाया....

जिंदगी की उथल पुथल, उहा पोह में मैंने क्या खोया क्या पाया का हिसाब रखना तो थोड़ा मुश्क़िल है पर नामुमकिन नहीं, आज बस बैठे बैठे मन में विचार उठा की हिसाब लगाया जाये किसकी जीत हुई? 
खोने की या पाने की । .... 
तो जीवन के आरम्भ से ही गिनती शुरू करते है। पैदा हुआ तो उससे पहले ही दादी को खो दिया पर ईश्वर ने बहुत प्यारी नानी दी जिन्होंने दादी की भी कमी कभी खलने नहीं दी। 
थोड़ा बड़ा हुआ तो अपना प्यारा गाँव खोया, पापा की नौकरी के कारण पर वही बदले में सारी सुख सुविधाओ से सुसज्जित शहर मिला, जिसने अच्छी तालीम और मॉर्डन संस्कार दिए। 
फिर पढाई में उन्नति और बेहतर भविष्य के लिए स्कूल बदलने में दोस्तों को खोया पर नए स्कूलों में और अधिक दोस्तों को पाया भी।
पापा की नौकरी और किराये के मकान में रहने की कारण, बहुत से मोहल्ले बदले, दोस्त खोये पडोसी खोये पर फिर वही नये मिले भी।
भविष्य बनाने का समय आया, अब जब की मैं अपने परिवार को एक दिशा दे सकता था तो, एक अनहोनी घटना में, पापा के एक्सीडेंट के कारण परिवार की आय बंद होने से, महत्वपूर्ण जीवन के २ सालो को खो दिया, अब इसका पूरक कुछ नहीं था।     
बमुश्किल देर से इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज में गया तो अपने पापा को ही खो दिया, जिनके होने से ही हमारा वजूद था, उनके बिना हम जीने की कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकते थे, पूरा भविष्य अंधकारमय हो गया, आय के एकमात्र स्रोत मेरे पापा इस दुनिया से चले गए थे मेरे जीवन का सबसे बड़ा खोना मेरी अल्पायु में ही ईश्वर ने मेरे नसीब में लिख दिया था, अब इस खोने का पूरक भी मिलना मुश्किल था पर वही मैंने ३ नए स्तम्भो को पाया जिनके सहारे मैंने उठना सीखा, सर्वोपरि मेरे मामा, मेरे नाना और मेरे ताउजी, जिन्होंने न केवल धन से अपितु अपने प्यार दुलार, देखभाल और मेरी जिम्मेदारियों को अपना बना के मुझे हर तरफ से मुक्त किया की मैं अपना और साथ ही साथ अपने परिवार का भविष्य बना सकु।
कॉलेज में दोस्त तो मिले ही, साथ साथ दोस्तों में नए परिवार मिले, जिन्होंने ४ सालों तक मुझे टूटने और बिखरने नहीं दिया, हर हाल में मेरा साथ दिया और उन्नति के लिए हमेशा प्रोत्साहित किया. पाने की लिस्ट बहुत लम्बी है यहाँ जहा मैं खाली हाथ पहुंचा और झोली भर के वापस आया ज्ञान की, दोस्तों की, परिवार की, सुनहरे भविष्य की, अपनी जिम्मेदारियों को पूरा कर लेने के विश्वास की। बस खोया तो २ अपनों का विश्वास, शायद हमारी सोच में अंतर था जो आखरी वक़्त में मेल नहीं खाई फिर समय नहीं मिला सुधारने का। 
फिर सुनहरे भविष्य की कामना मुझे नए नए शहरों में भटकारी रही, नए लोग मिलते रहे पुराने बिछड़ते रहे. रूड़की शहर ने मुझे एक नया परिवार दिया, कुछ कर गुजरने का आत्म बल दिया, उत्थान की पहली पायदान पे चढ़ना सिखाया, बदले में खोया अपना बचपन, वो लड़कपन भरी मासूमियत, वो साफ़ और सच्चा हृदय, जो की अब मजबूत हो चूका था समय के थपेड़ो के साथ, ठोकर खाते खाते।
दिल्ली दिलवालो की, सौ टका सत्य वचन, जीवन के इस पायदान पे मुझे दिल्ली में एक स्थायी स्थान मिला, जिसने ना सिर्फ मेरी कैरियर रूपी खोज को आयाम दिया, अपितु मेरी जिम्मेदारियों को भी पूर्ण विराम लगाने में मेरी भरपूर सहायता की। खोया पाया की लिस्ट यहाँ थोड़ी लम्बी है, क्यूकी पिछले ११ बरसो का लेखा जोखा तैयार करना पढ़ेगा। 
यहाँ सबसे बड़ी उपलब्थि मेरी, मेरे परिवार को अपने पास लाने की रही, साथ ही मैं अपनी उन जिम्मेदारियों से उरिड हुआ जो मेरे पापा मुझ पर छोड़ गए थे, माँ को मैंने वो उचित स्थान दिलवाया जिसकी वो हमेशा से हकदार थी, अपना खुद का घर पाया, परिवार पाया, दो प्यारी प्यारी बेटियों का प्यार पाया। बहुत सारे नए रिश्तो को सौगात पाई, जीवन में सुदृढ़ता आई। 
खोया, हाँ इन सब को पाने में, इन ११ सालो में मैंने बहुत कुछ खोया भी, मैंने अपनो को खोया, अपनों का प्यार, विश्वास को खोया, अपनो का साथ भी खोया।  मेरे नाना इस संसार को, हम सबको छोड़ कर चले गए, मेरे ताउजी अपनी पारिवारिक परेशानियों में फँस कर हमसे दूर हो गये. जीवन की तेज़ रफ़्तार में कुछ बिछोह ऐसे भी है की उसमे कौन सही है कौन गलत का विचार करने का समय नहीं, पर हा फिर भी संतुस्ती है की मेरी तरफ से मैंने कोई कमी कही होने नहीं दी, अपने चादर से ज्यादा ही पैर फैला के जिम्मेदारियों का वहन किया।
अंततः यही सत्य है "जीवन चलने का नाम, चलते रहो सुबहो शाम", "जिंदगी के सफर में गुजर जाते है जो मुकाम, वो फिर नहीं आते", "जिंदगी कैसी है पहेली हाये, कभी तो हसाये कभी ये रुलाये", "आदमी मुशाफिर है, आता है जाता, आते जाते रस्ते में, यादें छोड़ जाता है।"
जो पाया वो साथ है, जो खोया वो यादो में मेरे साथ है और हमेशा साथ रहेगा..... 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Tourist Places with Their Main Attractions in Uttarakhand.

Whenever I got chance to Visit some Places, I Always try to Cover all and Every Places nearby that place, so that we didn't regret in future that we didn't watch that or we missed it. 

So I always prepare a document for the places which we have to cover in visit.

Today I am going to share one of my compilation which I created, when we went to visit the Places in Uttaranchal(UK) with family.

But it's very difficult to everyone to cover all places in a short span of time, we too despite of all effort missed some places.

Mussoorie :- The Queen Of Hills Stations

Camel’s Back Road :- The place offers a picturesque view of the sunset and a life like resemblance of a sitting camel. One can also enjoy long walks and horse riding here.
Lake Mist :- About 5 km before Kempty falls on the Mussoorie-Kempty road is a developed good picnic spot with accommodation and restaurant facilities, boating is also available. The place showcases nature in an exquisite manner. With the Kempty river flowing through it, Lake Mist has many small but beautiful waterfalls made by the river. Thus, this is a gem in the queen of hills.
Gun Hill :- One can enjoy a thrilling ropeway ride to Gun Hill, the second highest peak of Mussoorie(2122 mts). The peak offers a panoramic view of the Himalayan ranges.
Cable Ride :- Enjoy a Ropeway ride to the second highest peak of Mussoorie. It can also be negotiated by bridles path which forks-off from Mall Road near Kutchery and to reach takes about twenty minutes. The Ropeway distance is only 400 mtrs. And the sheer thrill of the ride is memorable. 
Mussoorie Lake :- A newly developed picnic spot situated on Mussoorie-Dehradun road. The lake is situated at 6 km on Mussoorie-Dehradun road having a facility of pedaled boats. It offers an enchanting view of Doon Valley and nearby villages. View during Night is marvelous.

Vinog Mountain Quail Sanctuary :- 11 Kms to the south of Library Point lies an old sanctuary established in 1993 and covering an area of 339 hactares. It is famous for the extinct bird species, Mountain Quail(Pahari Bater), which was last spotted in 1876.
Kempty Fall :- 15 kms from Mussoorie on the Yamunotri Road is the most fascinating and the biggest water fall, Kempty located in a beautiful valley of Mussoorie. 
Dhanaulti -Dhanolti :- 24 Kms from Mussoorie. Dhanaulti Dhanolti provides a breath-taking view of the valleys and the Himalayan peaks. The long wooded slopes, lazy outings, cool caressing breeze, warm and hospitable inhabitants, lovely weather and fabulous view of of snow covered mountains makes it an ideal retreat for a relaxed holiday. Know more about Dhanaulti 

Surkanda Devi :- Situated at an elevation of 3030 mts above sea level near village Kaddukhal the temple of Surkanda Devi is 33 kms from Kaddukhal and one has to trek about 2 kms. The temple of Surkanda Devi is situated on the top of the mountain and is of great religious significance. A fair is held every year on “Ganga Dussehra” during May-June in which thousands of people participate.

Lakha Mandal :- Lakha Mandal is situated on the Yamunotri road, past Kempty Falls. There are hundred of idols of archaeological importance which have been preserved by the Archaeological Survey of India. According to the legend, the Kaurvas made a shellac house and conspired to burn the Pandavas alive here.

Bhadraj Temple :- About 15 kms from Mussoorie, it is an ideal spot for trekking via Park Toll-Clods end, Dudhi. Situated on the extreme western region of Mussoorie town, Bhadraj offers a commanding view of the Doon Valley. Chakrata ranges and Jaunsar Bawar areas can be viewed from here. Bhadraj Temple is dedicated to Lord Bal Bhadra, brother of Lord Krishna.

Childer's Lodge :- is the highest peak of Mussoorie near Lal Tibba, it is situated at 5 km from the Tourist Office and one can go on horse back or on foot. The view of snow-clad mountains is exhilarating.
Jwalaji Temple :- The Jwalaji Temple is situated on the top of the Benog Hill and has an idol of Mata Durga. The temple is surrounded by the thick forests and offers a panoramic view of the Himalayan peaks, Doon valley and Yamuna valley

Bhatta Fall :- About 7 kms from Mussoorie on Mussoorie-Dehradun road. Access by car or bus upto Balta village from where the fall is 3kms by car or foot. An ideal spot for bathing anf picnics. 
Van Chetna Kendra :- At a distance of about 2 kms on Tehri bye pass road, this place is developed as a picnic spot and has a park surrounded with pine forest and flowering shrubs, and is approachable by foot or taxi/car. The main attraction is the wildilife of the park like Ghurar, Kanankar, Himalayan Peacock, Monal etc. .

Tourist Attractions of Rishikesh
Triveni Ghat
To be found in the heart of town, is the most famous bathing ghat, where most pilgrims take a holy dip earlier than they visit the various temples. This is done generally in the early mornings, with the pilgrims offering prayers and milk at the Ghat and feeding the fish in the water. An amazing sight here is the evening arati, a ceremony accompanied by lights, drums and chanting, with the entire ghat lit with lamps glowing from a distance.

Bharat Mandir
Near the Ghat, is the temple known as Bharat Mandir said to be the oldest temple here built by the Adi Shankaracharya. This 9th century temple has the deity of Lord Vishnu carved out of a single black stone popular as Saligram, and is placed in the inner chambers of the temple. The original temple was said to have been destroyed in 1398 AD. If you are lucky, catch the spring festival also called Basant Panchami celebrated here.

Close to the Triveni Ghat is the very old place of Rishikund where the Saint Kubz is said to have been blessed by the Goddess Yamuna, who filled the pond with her water. The temple of Raghunath dedicated to Lord Rama and his wife Sita is sited here.

Lakshman Jhula
2 kilometers from Swarg Ashram, is the well-known Lakshman Jhula a suspension bridge 450 feet long and built in 1939. Named after Lord Ram's younger brother Lakshman, it has temples dotting its either side, including the famed Lakshman Temple at Tapovan. One more noteworthy ashram is the 13 storeyed Kailashananda Ashram, with each storey being dedicated to a different deity.

Ram Jhula
Ramjhula is situated 3Km north of Rishikesh. It's a very popular place amongst people coming for religious purposes because it has very known Ashrams. Most known is Geeta Bhavan & Swarg Ashram and these temples are very important in Hindu society and you will see much more commotion here then in Lakshmanjhula.

Neelkanth Mahadev Temple
To be found at a distance of 12 km from Rishikesh, this temple stands at a height of 926m on top of a hill across the river Ganga. It derives its name from Lord Shiva. According to mythological belief; the cosmic churning of the oceans (Sagar Manthan) for the potion of immortality (amrit) by the Gods and the Demons; produced a venomous liquid, which was consumed by Lord Shiva at this place. As a result, his throat became blue in color, which in Hindi literally means 'Neelkanth' (blue throat). The place is a favorite among the religious tourists.

Gita Bhavan
Near the Lakshaman Jhula, is the newly constructed building of Gita Bhavan. It runs a free Ayurvedic dispensary and also has a branch of the Gita Press, Gorakhpur. There are more than a hundred rooms for visitors and this edifice houses various striking paintings and statues of ancient mythological characters. The stories of the ancient epics- the Ramayana and the Mahabharata are beautifully illustrated on its walls. The place is also popular among the tourists.

Tourist Attractions of Dehradun
1. Sahastradhara - The name Sahastradhara literally means ‘The Thousand Fold Spring’ is a popular tourist destination in Dehradun. It comprised of waterfalls, caves and steppe farming lands and provides a totally marvelous and rejuvenating experience to its visitors. The name is due to the water that drips from the limestone stalactites in the caves and its waterfalls.
2. Tiger Falls - Located at a height of 1400 meters above sea level, the Tiger Falls are 50 meters high waterfalls. The waterfalls are situated amidst a picturesque setting of dense forests at the foothills of the Himalayas. The water converges into a small pond which provides a perfect setting for an outing with friends and family.
3. Robber’s Cave - The 600 meters long river cave (Robber’s Cave) is known by the locals as Gucchupani. The cave is divided into two main parts with its highest fall being 10 meters long. The place is known for its unique natural phenomenon known as the disappearing stream. The place was believed to be used by the robbers to hide during the British Raj hence owing to its name.
4. Tapovan Tapovan is known to be the place the Guru Dronacharya performed his penance according to the Hindu epic Mahabharatha. The place is located on the banks of the River Ganges and is considered to be a major pilgrim spot. Tapovan is also known for its amazing meadows known as Nandavan which are trekked by various pilgrims and trekkers.
5. Mindrolling Monastery Founded in 1965, The Mindrolling Monastery houses the Ngagyur Nyingma College which is one of the largest Buddhist learning centers in India. The monastery is a re-established facility of the original Mindrolling Monastery and was established by Khochhen Rinpoche. The well maintained gardens and a 60 meters high stupa and contains various rooms which are decorated with murals and house various relics and a 35 meters high statue of Lord Buddha in Gold.
6. Tapkeshawar Temple - Tapkeshawar Temple is considered to be the oldest Shiva temple in Uttarakhand and is located at the banks of the Nandi River. The Temple is located within a cave which is characterized by naturally dripping water over the Shiva lingam placed here. The cave is also the site to the shivratri festival that happens every year.
7. Rajaji National Park - Spread over a massive 820 sq kilometers of land, the Rajaji National Park falls in a region shared by 3 districts, Dehradun, Haridwar and Pauri Garhwal in the state of Uttarakhand. The reserve consists of subtropical and tropical moist broadleaf forests that house a plethora of wildlife, birds and fish species. It is also a major habitat of the Asian elephant and the Bengal Tiger in India.
8. Forest Research Institute - The premier research institute of forestry in India is located in Dehradun. The Forest Research Institute was established in 1906 as the British Imperial Forestry Service. The site also contains a museum for forestry with six main sections that are Pathology Museum, Social Forestry Museum, Silviculture Museum, Timber Museum, Non-Wood Forest Products Museum and Entomology Museum.
9. Asan Barrage Water Sport Resort - Developed by the Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam at the Asan barrage, the water sports facility was opened in 1994. Located at the Dhalipur Lake the Asan Barrage Water Sport Resort offers various types of water sports facilities like boating, kayaking, canoeing and is also known as a shutterbug’s delight for its various migratory birds.
10. Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology - Previously known as the Institute of Himalayan Geology, the facility is one of the best centers of Himalayan Geology in the country. The best attraction here is the museum that displays the diverse geographic locations of India and visitors often get to know a few stunning facts about the geology of different regions in India.

Places to See in Haridwar

Har ki Pauri: It is also known as Brahmakund and it is believed to be the place where divine nectar fell from the pitcher. It is the site for the famous Kumbh Mela which is celebrated in 12 years. Large number of devotees comes especially to Haridwar to take a holy dip in the Ganga River. At twilight, when evening aarti is performed the reflection of the golden diyas that keep floating on the river offers an enchanting view of the ghat to the visitors. This sacred Ghat was built by King Vikramaditya in memory of his brother Bhatrihari, who is said to have meditated on the banks of Ganga in Haridwar.
Chandi Devi Temple: Situated on the top of the Neel Parvat, Chandi Temple was built in 1929 by Suchat Singh, the King of Kashmir. The temple can be reached after a 3km trek from Chandi Ghat. The main statue of Chandi Devi Temple is said to be established by the Adi Shankaracharya in 8th century. Cable car has also been introduced upto Chandi Devi Temple.
Maya Devi Temple: It is believed that the heart and navel of Goddess Sati fell here when Lord Shiva was taking her corpse. Maya Devi Temple is regarded as one of the Siddhapeeth's. This ancient temple is dedicated to Goddess Maya Devi, the Adhisthatri deity of Haridwar.
Mansa Devi Temple: Mansa Devi temple is perched on the top of the Bilwa Parwat and it is dedicated to Goddess Mansa Devi. Mansa Devi can be reached either by a ropeway that carries pilgrims to the temple or on foot. A statue of the Goddess here has three mouths and five arms, while the other one has eight arms. The temple affords bird's eye view of Haridwar.
Sapta Rishi Ashram and Sapt Sarovar: It is believed that seven sages meditated at this place. Kashyapa, Vashisht, Atri, Vishwamitra, Jamadagi, Bharadwaja and Gautam were the seven rishis. Ganga split herself into seven streams to avoid any disturbance to their meditation.
Daksha Mahadev Temple: This ancient Dsksha Mahadev Temple (Daksheswara Mahadev Temple) is located in the south Kankhal with Lord Shiva as its residing deity. According to mythology, this temple is supposed to have been the site of a yagna conducted by Daksha.
Bhimgoda Tank: This tank is at a distance of about 1 km from Har ki Pairi. It is said that while Pandavas were going to Himalayas through Haridwar, Bhim made this tank with the blow of his knee.
Bharat Mata Mandir: 5 km north of the center. Dedicated to Mother India, this is half temple, half nation building exercise, with seven floors stacked with deities, saints, and secular heroes of all Indian faiths.

Ma Anandamayee Ashram: Located at Kankhal. The samadhi of Shree Shree Ma Anandamayee (Anandamayi) is located here and is also the Head Office of the revered organisation. 

Neel Dhara Pakshi Vihar: This Bird Sanctuary is situated on the main Ganges river, or Neel Dhara, at the Bhimgoda Barrage, it is a paradise for bird watchers and home to many migratory birds during the winter season.

Doodhadhari Barfani
 Temple: Part of the ashram of Doodhadhari Barfani Baba, this temple complex in white marble is one of most beautiful temples in Haridwar, especially the temples of Rama-Sita and Hanuman.

Sureshvari Devi Temple: Temple of Goddess Sureshwari, situated in midst of beautiful Rajaji National Park. Serene and religious makes this temple abode of worshipers, saints etc. Located at outskirts of Haridwar in Ranipur and permission from forest rangers is necessary.

Pawan Dham:
 A modern temple, made entirely of glass pieces, Pawan Dham is now a popular tourist destination. The temple complex was constructed by the effort of Swami Vedantanand Ji Maharaj and the institute located there is growing under the leadership of Swami SahajPrakash Ji Maharaj. People from Moga in Punjab have put considerable efforts and money to erect this place.

Parad Shivling:
 Situated in Harihar Ashram, Kankhal. Parad Shivling (Mercury Shivling) weighing about 150 kg and Rudraksha tree are the main attractions here.

Ramanand Ashram:
 Situated in shravan nath nagar of the town near railway station, this is the main ashram of Ramanand Sampraday in Haridwar. Mahant Bhagwan Das is the chief of this ashram.

Shantikunj: Shantikunj is the headquarter of famous spiritual and social organisation All World Gayatri Pariwar (AWGP) established by Pt Shriram Sharma Acharya. Its located at a distance of 6 Kilometers from Haridwar railway station towards Rishikesh/Dehradun on NH58. At the bank of the holy Ganges and between the Shivalik ranges of the Himalayas, its also a place of attraction for tourists as well as seekers of spiritual guidance.

Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust): Patanajli yogpeeth is situated on Haridwar - Delhi Highway. this is a yoga institution and research center of Swami Ramdev. every day 1000 of person come here for yoga n other purpose. This is one of the best place in Haridwar to see

Sati Kund: another well-known mythological heritage worth a visit is situated in the Kankhal. Legend has it that Sati immolated herself in this kund.
Rajaji National Park: It is gifted with immaculate beauteousness covering an area of 820sqkms on the edge of the Doon Valley. It is situated around 10kms from Haridwar. Rajaji National Park was established in 1996 and has over 23 species of mammals and 315 avifauna species. It is a safe haven for panther, bear, chital, elephant, tiger, sambar, wild boar, barking deer, python, monitor lizard etc. Elephant Safari is also available at Chilla and Dholkand.
Neelkanth Mahadev Temple : Thousands of devotees visit Neelkanth Mahadev every month throughout the year. It is situated on the summit of the mountain across the sacred Ganga River. According to mythology this is the place where Lord Shiva drank the venom produced during 'Sagar Manthan' which turned his throat blue and was thus the place was named as Neelkanth. Neelkanth and Mahadev are names of Lord Shiva. It is situated 66kms from Dehradun city.
Haridwar has several other  beautifully made Ashrams/temples of significance such as ShantiKunj, Jairam Ashram, Bhuma Niketan, Bharat Mata Mandir, Vaishnav Devi Temple, Radha Krishan temple, Shravan Nath Math, Pawan Dham, Doodhadari temple, Bilkeshwar Mahadev temple, Shahi Gurudwara, Parmarth Ashram, Prem Nagar Ashram, Ma Anand Mai Ashram etc. All of these places are worth seeing.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

जीवन जीने के बहाने...

बहुत पहले एक हिन्दी गाना बहुत प्रसिद्ध हुआ था, " जीने के बहाने लाखो है, जीना तुझको आया ही नहीं, कोई भी तेरा हो सकता था, कभी तूने अपनाया ही नही. " इसका अर्थ आज मुझे अच्छी तरह से समझ में आ गया। 

सच ही कहा है ये जीवन जीने के लिए हमें हमेशा ही बहानो की जरुरत पड़ती ही, जिससे की हम अपने जीवन को सार्थक सिद्ध कर सके,  अन्यथा बेमानी जीवन जीने से क्या फायदा जिसका कोई औचित्य ही न हो?

बिना किसी उद्देश्य के कोई लम्बे समय तक, खाली जी भी नहीं सकता। सभी जानते है पैदा होते ही जीवन सबकी उम्मीदों और आकांक्षाओं पर निर्भर होने लगता है, अब करवट लेना है, अब बैठना है, फिर खड़े हो कर बोलना और चलना है, फिर तो माँ पिता की आँखों का तारा बनना है, खूब पढ़ना और आगे बढ़ाना है. 

माँ , पिता भी सीमा निर्धारित करते रहते है और उसको और जटिल से जटिल बनाते रहते है, ये झलावा दे कर की बस आगे तो आराम ही आराम है. 

पढ़ लिख गए तो अब थोड़ा कमा भी लो, अब यहाँ से हमारी खुद की भी इक्छाये और उम्मीदे जवान होने लगाती है, कहे तो जीने के नए नए बहाने बनने और मिलने लगते है. अब कमाना ही है तो सबसे अच्छा क्यों नहीं?

हम खुद ही सोचने लगते है, की ऐसा काम करे की अथाह संपत्ति के स्वामी बने, खूब पैसा हो की घर, परिवार, पड़ोस, दोस्त और "गर्लफ्रेंड" सभी खुश, आश्चर्यचकित और रंज करे. 

यहाँ "गैलफ्रैण्ड" शब्द का प्रयोग करना बेमानी नहीं है, आजकल सभी चाहते है और रखते भी है. यही शब्द लड़की के सन्दर्भ में "बॉयफ्रेंड" में बदल जाता है. अतः इनको प्रभावित करना हमारा सबसे बड़ा लक्ष्य बन कर सामने आता है जीवन जीने का. 

इस सुनहरे ख्वाब के साथ जितना अच्छा समय कट गया जीवन का अच्छा था, इसके उपरांत कहानी शुरू गृहस्थ जीवन की, गृहस्थ जीवन वो कभी न खत्म होने वाला टास्क है, आप जितना उसमे घुसते जाओगे उतने ही नए नए बहाने रोज़ आपको मिलते रहेंगे जीवन जीने के. 

पत्नी की ख़ुशी, उसका प्यार, घर की व्यवस्था, फिर बच्चे, उनका प्यार, लालन  पालन, पढाई, लक्ष्य ही लक्ष्य। 

सो इतने सारे बहनो के साथ जीवन के अंत तक मनुष्य फसा रहता ही जीवन के ताने बाने में, और सच भी है ये जो अंततः हमें संतोष भी देता है फिर कोई कैसे बिमुख हो सकता है इन सब क्रिया कलापो से, अगर सच में वो खुद को एक जिम्मेदार और फर्ज से युक्त मानता है.

उपरोक्त लिखने का मेरा तातपर्य बस इतना है की आपका जीवन बहुत ही अमूल्य है,  कभी माता पिता के लिए, कभी खुद लिए, फिर आपके प्यार और बच्चो  लिए, सो इसे व्यर्थ न जाने दे, ऐसे कार्य करे की सभी आपसे खुश और संतुष्ट हो, जिससे अंत काल में आप भी शांति और संतोष के साथ इस अमूल्य जीवन को विदा कर पाये। 

[आस पड़ोस में घटित कुछ घटनाओं से व्यथित दिल की पुकार, जिसने मुझे अंदर तक झिंझोड़ के रख दिया]

Friday, July 3, 2015

Yet Another CRIS Utsav is Over Now...... :)

CRIS Utsav 2015

CRIS Utsav.. It means Mauz, Masti, Maza in office with full power and authorization by the CRIS Management. A full week with full of Excitement, Enthusiasm and Energy spread every where in CRIS in every body and every time. All were busy in their respective field of their own choice either in Dancing, Singing, Quiz, Skit, Cricket, Chess, Badminton etc.. or some like me in every field.

Every year we wait to start of this Utsav and miss it after ending. It was started in year 2009 by our Managing Directer Shri Madhav Pathak and after that it creates a tradition in CRIS to celebrate every year with mixed activities, which is still experimenting and challenging the employees to participate and enjoy the days.

Here the mixed activities means the competition in which we all participating in CRIS Days, changing every year and we introduce some new challenge or follow the same as previous one depends upon committee/management to decide.

Cricket, Singing and Quiz are the fixed and every year activities which catch attention of each and every one and create its own aroma in the environment of CRIS. Despite it we all love Dancing and Play a lot with full of excitement and gathering in the auditorium. Some time we missed it too as in 2014 no Dance competition and few years without play.

With this Utsav, every year we got a new singing sensation in CRIS, can say CRIS Idols and new group or solo Dancing Diva or Star. We find brilliant mind after so much brain storming in Quiz and also find Ramp Diva and Star. Every year we got Best Team to win the CPL (CRIS Premier League) with the best player in TT, Badminton, Chess etc. We find talent in Acting, Speaking, Painting also. With this we recognize or invent our in house talent like Designer, Composer, Musician, Anchor, Event Manger also between us.

So after attending or participating in these events we can say the CRIS is full of Talent not only in IT but in every field of Life.

The main attraction of this event is always the last day of the event, on that day some more exciting event happens every year which we can amuse but can't predict. As we got Kailash Kher show, Zangoora, Various Plays (Hi Handsome, Galib in New Delhi, Big B), Stand up Comedy and many more with fabulous lunch and family gathering(some times).

With this Utsav - 2015 Celebration CRIS completed 29 year of it's establishment, and many years will come with lots of fun together in coming Utsav, every year in future. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day Maaaa......Always and Every Day !!!!!

हम भारतीय है, हम जानते है जीवन में माँ का मह्त्व क्या है? फिर भी हम अंग्रेजो के सिखाए रास्ते पे चलते चले जा रहे है। क्या अपनी माँ को याद करने या उसकी महत्ता को समझने के लिए यही एक दिन साल का बचा है हमारे [पास ? 
जिस माँ ने अपने बरसो न्योछावर कर दिए हमे इस लायक बनाने में,  हम इस लायक भी नहीं बन पाये की उसे याद कर पाये, एक दिन बस एक दिन हमने अंग्रेजो की भाँति तय कर दिया उस माँ के लिये। 
माँ, जो कभी कुछ नहीं कहती, हमारी ख़ुशी में खुश रहती है, हमारे गम में रोती है, हमेशा तत्पर रहती है हमारी जरुरतो के लिए, बेचैन रहती है हमारे सुखों के लिए, हमेशा इसी सोच में डूबी रहती है की क्या कर जाये हमारे लिए, और हम जीवन की उहा पोह में इस कदर डूब जाते है की सब भूल कर बस ये याद रख पाते है की १० मई को मदर्स डे है, मम्मी के लिए कुछ करना चहिये। 
कुछ करना चहिये…?? बस साल के एक दिन वो भी इतने सोच विचार के बाद, वाह रे हम भारत की संताने, बचपन से हम भारत माता की जय के नारे लगाते चले आ रहे है, भारत माता के लिए मरने मिटने को तैयार रहते है, पर जो माँ हमारे लिए मर मिट रही है उसके लिए हमारे पास समय नहीं है. उस माता के बारे में हमने कभी सोचा ही नहीं क्यों भाई ऐसा क्यों ??
सो भारत की संतानो बस इतना समझ लो  हर दिन माँ का दिन है क्योकि जो भी दिन हम देख रहे है या देख पा रहे है सब हमारी माता की ही देन है. 
तो माँ आपको मेरे जीवन के सभी दिन मुबारक, मैं कृतज्ञ हूँ आपका जो आपने मुझे इस लायक बनाया की मैं अपना, अपने परिवार का और सर्वोपरि आपका अच्छे से ख्याल रख पाउ, और आपकी सेवा से जीवन को सार्थक बना बना पाउ। 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Walk with Love in Lots of Love and Frustration.

Today on the day of 12 April 2015, after eating lunch, we just planned an outing in Delhi due to lovely weather and little raining. Took so much time to decide whether we should head and why, we finally came to a conclusion of Purana Quila coz it was little bit near, a good picnic spot with less expense and can save our time to come back home before our maid came for cooking dinner. So we started our journey and reached there at approx 4 pm in the evening.

After taking ticket we entered there and start roaming but for our surprise lots of people there for enjoying lovely weather, most of them were love birds (young couples) every nook and corner of Quila. Our frustration started at the same time when we step in the main garden of Quila, every where the couples were involved in their private work which they should execute in private or at home some where, but they were so free to perform there best everywhere, shameless, manner less, only the thing they have was lots of love and lust, don't know I should say it Love or not coz that was not like love, that was hunger every where, and all want to full their stomach as much as they can. 

We were the Family member with Wife, Kid and mother, really feel awkward on that situation, the main frustration happened when my daughter (4 Year) felt to go loo and I took her to any hidden place or behind any tree, that time I was feeling helpless to find a place for her coz where ever we went two lovely creature of god appear abruptly indulged in love making. All tree shadow or bunches of grass were full of Adam and Eve. At last find a place where she made herself free, may be that place was vacated by some one just before we stepped there and other person have eye on that to occupy after we left that place. 

With family and kid how much trouble you can face, today was the day for me to face all, coz  after some roaming and playing, she again felt to do potty and again a task came for me to find a place but this time I was bit confident to find coz the previous task makes me shameless also for them as if they cant hesitate to do this in front of me then why me, so very soon find a place behind a tree.

Finally the last trouble came as my 2nd daughter (4 Month) felt hungry and wife have to feed her, this time task was bit tough and I failed in that, but pass in other way as made her sleep in my lap and decided to leave that place as soon as possible, as that place was not for family picnic that was the final conclusion we made. After taking some small snacks we head back to home, our sweet home and feel relaxed which we want to took from that place in this lovely weather but return hopeless.

So Delhi, if you want to watch love in the air, and lust on the garden head toward the Purana Quila, there you will find so many Mr X (Imraan Haashmi) and his lovely lady performing their best act to win Oscar in LSD.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Happy Holi 2015

Holi is the time to develop understanding and love for each other.
Here, is a platform for you all to renew your friendship and to express
heartiest love by scribbling a beautiful Holi message for loved ones.

May you have the most blessed holi festival than you ever had.
May it be full of fun,joy and love.
May you be as colorful as the festival itself or even more.
Lets all have lots of fun.

Happy Holi to you and your family. We wish your health, prosperity and business achievements at this prismic colour eve. May Allah bless you with all his mercies! Aamin.

Pyar ke rang se bharo pichkari,
sneh ke rang do duniya sari,
ye rang na jane koi jaat na koi boli,
aapko mubarak ho aapno ki holi.

'Bright colors, water balloons, lavish gujiyas and melodious songs' are the ingredients of perfect Holi. Wish you a very happy and wonderful Holi.

Holi Greetings to all my friends and hindi lovers and learners. Wish you a Happy Holi may your Life fills with colours. 

Useful Social Manners

1.Only call someone twice in a row unless it's urgent. If they don't answer, wait for them to call back. They might be busy, sick, o...